Classes: Types
We can divide types into these abstract classes:
Let's expand those:
- object
- .user
- .work
- .bookmark
- .skin
- .tags
- .tag
- required-tags (these are the oldest part of the codebase; we're basically stuck with them and can't strictly follow the taxonomy; so in some places we have hyphenated (rating-explicit) and other idiosyncratic names)
- .rating
- general-audience
- teen
- mature
- explicit
- notrated and none
- .category, which is equal to .relationships
- femslash
- gen
- het
- slash
- multi
- other
- none
- .warning also sometimes .warnings
- yes
- no and none
- choosenotto and eschewed
- .death
- .noncon
- .underage
- abstract "status", which is like modifiers
- external and external-work
- iswip
- complete and complete-yes
- incomplete and complete-no
- .tagset
- .collection
- .challenge
- .item
- .prompt [IN REVIEW]
- data
- .heading
- .title
- .byline
- .datetime
- .news
- .notes
- .footnote
- .summary
- .faq
- .rules
- .intro
- .count
- .status
- .notice
- .error
- .icon
- .symbol
- .question [IN REVIEW]
Index is the most used example of the polyvalent "types or states of groups"
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