Design Pattern: stats

Stats are a definition list. We use stats at the end of meta or blurb and similar descriptive blocks. Stats are always a list of paired properties and values, and they're usually countable values or some kind of binary status (yes/no, open/closed). Think graphable!

The present stats style is declared in types-groups.css

stats HTML Structure

Quick Ref: [always] {sometimes}

  [dl stats]


Stats are always a dl.stats

You can never have any other kind of stats.

Stats always come at the end of meta and work blurb. Stats may appear in other contexts. dl.stats may appear within a dd.stats because of automatic class assignment, but it can't be depended on.


It's important to always remember to clear a stats pattern in a meta pattern. You can look for the recurring issues on this in google code, if you're interested. If you need to turn that clear off, the path is: .meta .stats .clear {clear:none;}


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